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A sign of some relief for some, while others wait for theirs and everyone waits for the government officials to figure out how they are going to handle this epidemic until approximately around July 2020.  As we get some much needed relief as it doesn't take much to fall behind when your already maintaining and doing your very best to hold it all together. What an amazing and strange time period of our lives to be experiencing. The world changing right before out eyes an attack of something we can't see yet we feel all that it brings with it.  Yet, something deep inside of all us says this too shall pass and when it does where will we be?  Some may be pondering what is the meaning of life and what is my true divine purpose in all of this? Where ever you may fall in the scheme of this epidemic please know that better days are ahead.

If your experiencing any signs of  anxiety, depression, isolation, financial stress, burnout, PTSD, or maybe your caring for a loved one or have a loved one in a facility and life feels like a heavy burden to bear right now. Please know that we are here to help you navigate through life challenges.  If you are in need of services to speak with someone who understands what your going through, you can contact

We may not know what is ahead but we can prepare and be ready for whatever may come our way. As we are caught up in the epidemic at some point we have to get grounded and decide where do we go from here. First things first is make sure our finances are in order to ensure we can continue to maintain and grow through this epidemic. How will we do this? No problem we will start by creating a budget and or readjust the budget or whatever maybe the case.

What is a budget?

What is discretionary income?

What is the best way to handle going over budget?

What is the best way to ensure a successful budget?

One way is to be realistic about where you are about your budget. If you never made a budget before. You will need to start by forecasting how much money you will have coming in every month and how much, how much you think you will be spending.  The more realistic you are about your these numbers, the more likely you will be to stick to your budget.

In your budgeting particularly if money is tight you really have to be able to tell the difference from a Want and a need a Need. This can you help stay within your needs come first and if it's money left over you can spend save, spend on wants and or invest to create what is called liquid assets however, we can not discuss liquid assets in detail as you learn something new everyday that you didn't know the day before and school is open for those who maybe interested can go to obtain a culturally relevant and high quality education in all things wealth building and black business creation. All for a fraction of the cost of a college degree. 

Your budget should align with your goals and values. Once you have completed your budget you should study it to see if your spending aligns with your goals and values short and long term. It's recommended that you do this again after you have attempted to live within your budget for a few months. And if you are one that has difficulty adhering to your budget, you maybe over spending on things that aren't really aligned with your goals.

You should recalculate your budget every month as this can help you stay on track with your finances. As your budget is a forecast of what will happen so it's important to take the time to go back and recount what actually happen.

Where did you overspend?

Where did you save?

What can you do differently next month?

It's suggest to that we probably need to recalculate our budget every 3-6 months, or whenever something changes dramatically in our finances.  Including your savings as an expense in your budget. Set up a separate account and transfer or deposit money into it every month. As your savings can be used for either short or long term goals that are in alignment with your goals and values. Savings are good for things like large ticket items, vacations, college tuition, or use it as an emergency fund such as a car repair or medical expense.

How will a budget help you gain control of your finances?

Will budgeting help improve your credit?

What should you do if you find your expenses outweigh your income?

How should you prepare for holidays or months were your expenses maybe higher?

Whats the best way to budget your changing income and expenses?



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