Life on Life Terms

When life serves you lemon's what do you do? Make the best lemon aid the world has ever tasted.

Most of us have done what is required to quote obtain the" American dream". Most have gotten an education and are working in a career and/or job which provides an income. Some haven't completed their education but still have managed to create and or obtain a source of income to provide for them and their families. However, with many career's and jobs downsizing, layoffs, and the current situation of interruptions of income through shut downs and mandatory furloughs. Can create a great financial strain on most families. As for today, many are living pay check to pay check with very little left to create savings. Today missing one pay check can cause a down spiral toward homelessness, hunger and more.

These types of stress's can affect the human body in a variety of ways. One will either get innovative or suffer effects of crisis from their circumstances. In the science of human development that seeks to understand how and why people of all ages and circumstances change or remain the same overtime. Human develop mentalist categorize that growth is:  



*Multi contextual and * Plastic

Constructed through biological, cultural, and individual factors working together. Although human develop mentalist have test and proven these facts to be true I believe it lacks the spiritual concepts that also can contribute to ones development as well.

Deciding to get involved with the Shopify platform I can honestly say it was from the survival concept for me as I have done everything else and suffered finanacial loss but I never really thought about creating something of my own until I was faced with circumstances that were beyond my control and I had to figure something out. I am glad that I had taken the time to research different e commerce platforms prior to choosing Shopify as my research provided me a better understanding of what I was planning to create. However, I didn't understand it all nor did I have a plan.

Choosing the Shopify platform provided me with a way to create a business that allowed me to create  something I could be proud of and earn income while I still work my job. In building this platform in hopes to grow wealth and or residual income. It required more study and experimentation with it's easy design system. My first apps that I upload was Oberlo, Modalyst , and I just starting working with Ali Express. These apps where easy to install into my shop with an easy 1-2 click installation.

I enjoy researching products through these apps and the products are good quality however their delivery times can vary. This lovely Pocket Dress is one of my Ali Express products it took 12 days for this dress to arrive from the date of order. This lovely dress is a cotton blend mix and is very soft to the skin. Easy on- Easy off- moves when you move and is comfortable and stylish. You can wear it to work or for play.

Since I have began building my eCommerce business I am finding that things change very rapidly and sometimes it feels like it's hard to keep up. So I try but I don't focus on it to much as I am aware I am a newbie and I have to learn my system. Yes, testing products, researching products doesn't sound very interesting but believe me it is or at least it can be (mindset). I am pleased to say that my eCommerce experience is no longer in survivors mode it has since become a pleasurable hobby.

I am finding that one's mindset is definitely the key to one's success. Going back to the science of human development and the categories I listed above, surely plays a huge part as well as the spiritual side I mentioned. Starting out wasn't easy, nor did I have a lot of support in the beginning but somehow I made it to this point. I contribute that to my faith,  belief, hard work and commitment that anything is possible when you put God first. Many days I would feel alone and misunderstood by family and friends. I knew they loved me and wanted the best but the fact is that many don't trust and or really understand the eCommerce platform and the ones who do are excelling and meeting their goals. I faced many challenges and was exposed to what I like to call "nay Sayers" . I would hear things like this a pyramid scheme, they gonna just take your money, you need to find a more solid business to start, you name it I heard it.

But as time went on and I worked day and night, night and day, day after day. Then the noise was different, the noise became your always on your computer, you never have time for us any more, all you talk about is that store you need to take a break and live sometimes. Well, I  am proud to say that now I have a virtual employee that helps me with marketing and ads for my store through and app named Kit. I have added Get Clicked! SEO to help me with the optimization and product description, Cross-Sell by zooomy to help me customize and create sells for products options, just to name a few. These apps are helping me to stitch the fabric of my business together so that I can have the time flexibility my family and friends have been asking of me.

Here is an Oberlo product the 96 sewing accessories a must have for everyone for those "oh boy did I do that moments or if you simply enjoy sewing and creating new things. Easy carry zipper case filled with everything you may need for those unexpected and expected project moments.

As I become more familiar with my system and how it works and the many things I can create with it. I started to think about what I really want to do, where do I want to go, and how can this benefit myself and  many others through my efforts with this system and the platform. It's very scary when you begin to look beyond just yourself and begin to think about how my effort can not only improve my life but the lives of many others. And mindset is key as I pray moving forward. I am finding that I also have to be patient and do more research as to where I will be most effective in the lives of the people in my community and surrounding areas.

This experience is stretching me beyond my wildest imagination. I understand even more so that this whole experience and business is much bigger than me, however, it all begins with me, my experience and my vision where as if I can make a difference in my own life how will I even begin to help other's.

The bigger picture is coming slowly but surely coming together. I realize that I have to work on me continually, mind, body and soul or spirit, mind, body and heart. In order for the best results to come to the forefront. Shopify has created a system that will help me do just as I desire once I have mapped it all out. I know your probably tired of reading about me but I can't write about you because I don't know you or your experience and or circumstances that brought you were you are but I would love to hear from you if you care to share comment below.

Coming into eCommerce and the Shopify platform has changed my life in just one year, so just imagine what  three years our more can do not just for me but for those I am asking guidance for in efforts to help bring about change if they want it. Because I can want to change the world but if the world doesn't want the change product and or services I am offering it won't make much of a difference now will it.

With the Knowledge of the that only the individual's themselves can take the steps needed to change their own personal development and growth in life. Which is going to happen weather we participate or not. The difference is those who do can work together and crate a much better place.

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